Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Last day in Kentucky…. Churchill Downs and Louisville…

We will leave our little bungalow on West High Street tomorrow and will head for Tennessee and our good friends, Bill and Lori. Today we visited Keeneland here in Lexington which is a racetrack that sees many thoroghbreds trained to become winners. The most a jockey can weigh is 126 pounds. If they weigh less than that, they put lead in their saddle. After the race they take it out... thus the idiom "get the lead out" was born. Churchill Downs was just like in the movies. Very thrilling.. lots of signs of it just happening a week ago. It has been 50 years since Secretariat won the Triple Crown. Lots of notoriety about that including that the horses heart weighed 3 times what a normal heart's weight was. Secretariat sired 600 foals. We drove through the beautiful homes in both Lexington and Louisville. Incredible! We saw the "Four Bridges" on the Ohio River and watched a tugboat push a large barge into the canal. Quite a day!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call those homes. They are mansions! Very green and interesting. So glad you are having a good time! Cheri & Dave