Sunday, September 29, 2013

In Vaison la Romaine

We have been having a wonderful adventure!  Don't know where to begin...  Before leaving Loire, we took an evening ride and set gps for historical locations...  Castle after castle, ancient bridges, cathedrals... All within a half hour jaunt.  Castles are still being lived in by families.  After that we had wine with our hosts, Jean Louis and Elice...  They love socialized medicine, but pay 70% taxes!  Also, just driving here yesterday we paid 60 euros in tolls... Taxes are high!

Yesterday was a long day of driving...  We love our place and the village...  I will try and include views of Roman ruins outside our window!  This place is gorgeous!  Woke up today to huge electrical storm... We are at the base of the Alps.  Bells tolled for 15 minutes... We figured the river was overflowing, but it was just the call to mass at the cathedral.  Went to patisserie and cafe... Pure French at its best!  Bon jour mes mon ami.  Let us know if you are watching our blog... Only heard from a few of you.

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